Now, what's wrong
with this picture?
This lady has had
a night of self-indulgence.
You don't take her home
to your mom.
This is perfection.
"P" for perfect.
No detergents
smelling up her aroma.
No bruises shading her figure.
No, this is perfect. Wait!
Where is Al?
There he is. Al, my son.
Al, come out here. Come on.
Don't dawdle. These people
have got places do go.
My son, Al,
ladies and gentlemen.
He's going to be a chef too.
He's so cute.
Feel that. You tell me,
is that perfection?
Yeah, it's pretty ripe.
Al knows how to pick perfection.
How do I know?
Because she's in the audience
right now. And she is a tomato.
Imogen. I said it right this time.
Stand up, honey.
Stand up. Come on.
There she is.
-Say hello to your parents.
-Did you pick perfection or what?
-Yeah, dad. She's perfect for me.
When you're falling in love, sometimes
one night makes it complete.
In our case, it was my birthday.
Imogen went all out.
"Find the other candle."