The other candle?
Happy birthday.
-You look...
-You like?
-I like it a lot.
-Where are we?
-I wanted this night to be special.
I wanted to share something that's
important to me with you.
This is my favorite place
in New York. I come here a lot...
if I'm feeling down or homesick,
or if I just need a little inspiration.
This place has real soul.
It's not like those cheesy art galleries
which have T-shirts and postcards.
This is why I want
to be an artist.
Here, come on.
They're all so beautiful.
I don't know much about art.
I kind of stopped with finger-painting.
But I like this...
...blurry one.
-It's impressionistic.
It's not about how you see the world.
It's how the artist sees it.
It's somehow completely personal.
What do you see in this?