There's a party in 4O6.
Want to go?
I'm your friend so it's my duty
to warn you.
Soon those tingles will disappear
and you won't know what hit you.
Actually, I'm not going
to be around tonight.
No? Why?
I promised Monk I'd be en extra
in a film he's directing.
I promised Monk I'd be an extra
in a film he's directing.
-You'll be an extra in a porno movie?
-An epic. They reinvented the genre.
-You're not going...
Besides, they're
paying me fifty bucks.
You'd rather be on
a movie set than...?
It's a battle scene and
the regular extras are on strike.
I'm leaving for France in two weeks
and instead of sleeping with me...
you'd rather be a day-player
in some flick?
-It's an extra. It's a pay difference.
-Fine. This way we have it.
You can decide if we eat it too.
Watching Monk prepare to lead his
troops into battle, I kept wondering...
what was I doing?
I chose this over Imogen?
All I wanted to do was see her.
To be with her.