Down to You

Is this cheese fat-free, yo?
Rid yourself of this health curse.
It'll only backfire in later days.

Yeah, eating habits are reflexive of,
like, sexual technique.

So did you really smoke
that fish yourself?

It's no big deal once you get
the hang of all the steps.

Then maybe you could cook
for me sometime.

That would be...
What do you fancy?

Any kind of meat.
-Catch us if you can.
-I'll be driving.

-No, you're a mess.
-You're drunk.

-Plus I got the keys.
-No, you don't.

Yes, you do.
"We should just sit here and wait."
Okay, relax. Somebody's bound
to come along.

-We're in the middle of nowhere.
-Don't worry. We're going to be okay.

-Don't be moody about it.
-I'm not. Don't give that moody crap.

Don't even think about it.
It didn't take much to see
the accident as a sign.

So while Monk was training
to play Macbeth...

Imogen and I decided
to start over.

-I cherish our walks in the park.
-They are nice.

Makes me feel good
about myself.
