Whoa. Can I help you?
I'm here for Mary.
I don't know where she is...
but if it's about music, I can help you.
My name's Lucy. Lucy Westerman.
And such beauty.
This is it right up here.
Well, she should be home by now.
There's really no place else she goes anymore.
It's really weird.
She used to have this real wild streak.
Hey, Mary, you home?
No luck.
I mean, no luck...yet.
You want to come in? You can wait.
This is it. Home sweet home.
I'm upstairs. Mary's down.
This place used to be her mom's.
We had to give it a little personality, though.
It was a little...
Oh, what's the word?
Ha! Exactly.
Hey, can I get you some coffee or something?
I don't drink...coffee.
Why don't you make yourself comfortable?
I'll be right back down.