Well, have you ever
seen Starlight Express?
- Daddy, of course I have.
- Well, face it. It's no West Side Story.
You don't know what kind it was?
It was a mix.
There's English.
There's Rednose.
There's Staffordshire.
There's all kinds. There's American...
That's what she says:
"It was a longhaired pit bull."
- There's no such thing.
- That's what I'm sayin'.
- It's an obvious discrepancy.
- One of you guys gonna get that?
I'm not attacking him...
just working this out.
Carlucci. One second.
Feege, you got a call on two.
We okay here? Because this is just...
It's formality.
- I might have to do it all over.
- Lieutenant Gruman speaking.
" Lieutenant"?
How can you say that?
Rita Moreno was fabulous.
- At least she wasn't on roller skates.
- Makin'fun of me 'cause I like Xanadu?
- What?
- Lucinda just called.
Let me call you back.
- You know Mona Dearly?
- What about her?
She was proceeding southbound
on Route 9...
when apparently her vehicle was involved
in a 2-11-07.
- What?
- She drove into the river.
She's dead, Wyatt.