If you keep losin' our accounts,
pretty soon we'll be out of business.
- Then how you gonna take care of Ellen?
- "Take care of Ellen."
- Ellen freakin' schmellen.
- Honey, I hate to see you guys...
What are you saying?
I can't hear you, Mrs. Dearly.
- What?
- You're hurting me!
Shut up! One step closer, Jeff, and
I swear I'll tear out your ovaries!
- Don't you talk to my boy like that.
- Your boy has the IQ of a garden pest!
And so do you,
you dumb wench!
- Bobby, I don't think...
- What? You don't think?
That's your problem!
You don't think!
You don't think!
I've had it!
I can't take it anymore!
Especially you, Mona Dearly!
What's that supposed to mean?
You know what it means!
You know what it means!
He said "ovaries"?
- Yeah, all the time.
- And he threatened your mom's life?
- Why didn't you report this?
- 'Cause everyone threatened her life.
She took a turn for the worse
You know
she swam with the fishes
You know
she dug in the dirt
Why did she have to die, die
Why did she have to die, die
That was nice.
How's that daughter of yours?
- She's great. Thanks for asking.
- Yeah? Wedding plans going smooth?
- Like silk on glass.
- I want you to take a look under here.
If somebody were
to sabotage the brakes...
- "lf'?
- "lf." It's a conditional clause.