Yes, I told you
it could be done.
You have the power
of the Immortals.
You can control Dragons.
With a Dragon army
at my command...
I can crush the Empress...
and control
what is rightfully mine!
You don't like that, do you?
I can use every ounce
of your rage!
Come on.
Follow me.
Follow me!
I said follow me!
What now, my lord Profion?
We shall have to modify
our plans.
Summon the High Council of Mages
They're about to learn something
of our young Empress...
that may give them pause
for thought.
It will be done.
This must be some
twisted magic experiment...
gone seriously wrong.
Why is it every time
something bad happens...
you blame the Mages?
When was the last time
you saw a river catch on fire?
You think they care
if anyone got hurt?
I'd love to find a way to give
those Mages some payback.
"Ridley the Savior."