"Jesse, come in this minute."
Then the son came in,
looked at his mother and said:
"My name's not Jesse.
My name's Jesus."
Was Jesus called Jesse for short?
Oh, Paul has all sorts of ideas.
You're welcome.
I must admit that as time goes
Dagny has increasingly become
a figment of my imagination.
But once she was a girl in the
world where people
are happy and in love.
Your blood is rushing
through my veins.
If I could, I'd fill my room
with your kisses, lock them
and throw away the key.
You sound like a poet.
I am a great poet.
Waiting to be discovered.
I'm not human. I'm the patch
of blue sky in the fairy tale.
Not of this earth.
Earth? Where's that?
It's part of reality
and that doesn't count.
You know what the philosopher
said when someone
claimed that his theories
conflicted with reality:
"Poor reality, it must feel bad."
But I don't feel bad.
Not if I've got you.