I just wanna be a good mom...
...a nice person, a decent citizen.
I just wanna take good care
of my kids.
Yeah. Yeah, I know.
Seventeen thousand in debt?
Your ex-husband helping?
Which one?
There's more than one?
Yeah, there's two. Why?
You must have been feeling
desperate that afternoon.
What's your point?
Broke, three kids, no job.
-Doctor in a Jaguar is a meal ticket--
-He hit me!
So you say.
He came tearing around the corner,
out of control.
An ER doctor, who spends his days
saving lives, was out of control?
That asshole smashed in
my fucking neck!
Open and fucking shut?!
-Exactly the language--
-It was over before that!
I told you he might get personal.
-You said I was set.
-I never said that.
You told me I had a good shot!
-Let's settle down.
-Fuck "settle down" ! l've got $74.
-I can't afford to settle down!
-I'm sorry, Erin.
Do they teach lawyers to apologize?
Because you suck at it.