Mommy, can I have a cheeseburger
deluxe with no cheese and no bread?
Did you get that?
And she will have a cup of chicken
broth and a few crackers, please.
-And for you?
-Just a cup of coffee.
You're not eating?
My lawyer took me out to a fancy lunch
to celebrate, and l'm still stuffed.
How about that?
Yes, l'm calling about
the job ad in the paper.
I'm calling about the job ad.
The great personality, good voice.
I don't have any actual
sales experience.
I don't really have a resume,
but I can--
I don't have any computer skills.
Oh. Well, I thought it was
the local store.
Okay. Thanks anyway.
Okay, bye.
Ed Masry, please.
Yes, l'm holding for Ed Masry.
Is he ever in the office?
No, but l've called
about a dozen times.
I'd like to leave a message.
Brockovich, B-R-O-C-K-O-V-l-C-H.
I'm a client. I want him to call.
It's that simple.