Goddamn it!
-Brenda! Brenda!
Who put that there?
The files you asked for.
I didn't ask you to put it
in the middle of the floor.
Get a towel, will you?
Hey, hey--
-Hey, what's she doing here?
What's she doing here?
She works here.
How's it going?
You never called me back.
I left messages.
You did? I didn't know that.
Donald seems to think--
There's two things that aggravate me:
being ignored and being lied to.
-I never lied.
-You said things'd be fine.
They're not. I trusted you.
-I'm sorry.
-I don't need pity.
I need a paycheck.
And l've looked.
When you spend 6 years raising babies,
it's hard to get a job that pays.
Are you getting this down, honey?
Or am I talking too fast for you?
I'm sorry about that.
But we have a full staff now--
Bullshit. If you had a full staff,
you'd return a client's damn call.
I'm smart and hard-working.
I'm not leaving here without a job.
Don't make me beg.
If it doesn't work out, fire me.