Erin Brockovich

What are you doing
making all that goddamn noise?

Introducing ourselves
to the neighbourhood, I guess.

Well, I am the neighbours. There.
We're introduced.
So shut up.

Wait. Hold on there.
Let's start over, okay?

My name's George.
What's yours?

Just think of me as the person
next door who likes it quiet.

Don't be like that.
Look, we live next door.
I feel bad.

I'm sorry.
Will you accept my apology?

We're living right next door.
If you need a cup of a sugar--

-I don't need sugar.
-You don't.

Why don't I take you
out to dinner to apologize?

Give me your number.
I got your address...

:16:25 you can't get away.
I'll call you up proper
and ask you out.

You want my number?
I do. I do want your number.
Which number do you want, George?
I like the way you say that.
How many numbers you got?
I got numbers coming out
of my ears. For instance, 1 0.


That's how many months old
my baby girl is.

-You got a little girl?

Sexy, huh? How about this? Six.
That's my other daughter.
Eight is my son.

Two is the times
l've been married and divorced.
