This guy's too smart.
It's only a matter of time
until he makes his move.
He positions women employees
in such a way...
... that they have no choice
but to respond or lose theirjobs--
-That's a heavy door.
-Let me give you a hand.
Thank you very much. Aren't you
a gentleman, Mr...?
-Mr. Scott.
Pleased to meet you.
I'm Erin.
Erin. Erin. Cool.
What can I do for you, Erin?
Believe it or not, l'm on the prowl
for some water records.
You come to the right place.
I guess I did.
Just tell me what you wanna look at,
and l'd be glad to dig 'em out.
I wish I knew. It's for my boss.
He's in this water dispute...
...and he wants me to find all kinds
of papers, from all kinds of places.
You know,
it would probably be easiest...
...if I squeezed back there
and poked around myself.
-Would that be all right with you?
-Come on back.
-I'm gonna need you to sign in here.
-Oh, sure.
-" Pattee," is that your middle name?
-No, maiden.
Oh, you're married?
Not anymore.
-Can I just...?
I love your pants.
Oh, well, yeah, thanks.
Well, this is it.
It's impressive.
I'll call you if I need anything.
-All right.
-Thank you.