Where's my stuff?
Where have you been?
Where the fuck is my stuff?
Don't you use language
like that with--
Someone took my stuff.
-Nice to see you.
-I had photos of my kids--
Toothbrush, toothpaste,
mousse and deodorant.
What's going on?
This isn't a job where you
can disappear for days at a time.
You don't do the work,
you don't get to stay.
All l've been doing is working.
Ask Mr. Masry.
You ask Mr. Masry. He fired you.
You said to fire me?
I'll call you back.
You've been gone for a week.
I left a message. I was gonna
write a whole damn report.
That's not how we work. You don't
leave a message and take off.
-Want me to check in every second?
-It's called accountability.
I'm not talking to you, bitch!
That's enough!
Look, Erin, this incident aside,
I don't think this is the right...
...place for you.
So l'm gonna make a few calls,
find you something else.
Don't bother.
I'm trying to help.
You're trying not to feel guilty
about firing someone with 3 kids.
Fuck if l'm gonna help you do that.
Get back to work!
What the hell are you doing here?
I'm fixing the leak.
Damn it, I don't ask you
to do things like that.