Erin Brockovich

...responsible for the cancers"
in that family you asked about...

...the Jensens.
Well. Wasn't that nice of him?
Funny how some people help people,
and others just fire them.

I'm sorry. You were gone.
I assumed you were off having fun.

Why the hell would you assume that?
Maybe you look like someone
who has a lot of fun.

By that standard,
I assume you never get laid.

I'm married.
Look, what is this-- What's the story
on this cancer stuff?

You wanna know, you have to hire me
back. I got a ton of bills to pay.

Donna just put in these new cabinets,
stained the wood and all...

...when she gets a call from PG&E,
saying a freeway's gonna be built...

...and they wanna buy her house
for an off-ramp.

The husband's sick with Hodgkin's.
She keeps getting tumours...
...believing one has nothing
to do with the other.

Because PG&E told her
about the chromium?

They had a seminar.
They invited 200 people
from the area...

...had it at the plant...
...about chromium three
and how good it is...

...when they're using chromium six.
That document you found
at the water board...

...the one that says
about the bad chromium....

You didn't happen to make a copy,
did you?

Of course I did.
Could I have a look?
I want a raise.
And benefits, including dental.
It's not how I do business.
-What way is that?

A 5% raise, we'll talk
about benefits later.

Ten. There are lots of other places
I could get work.
