I agree. I agree. I'm going to.
Right now.
I'm almost done. Look.
How are we doing?
We're doing great.
Well, you've got quite a lot
done already. So....
Sorry, we need to have
those records back now.
These papers are public record.
I'm not leaving...
...until they're copied.
Fax these to this number, okay?
-All of them?
-All of them.
An on-site monitoring well?
-That means it was--
-It's on the PG&E property.
And you say that this stuff,
this hexavalent chromium....
-Well, it's poisonous.
It's gotta be different than what's
in our water, because ours is okay.
The guys from PG&E told me.
They sat right in the kitchen
and told me that it was fine.
I know. But the toxicologist
that l've been talking to...
...he gave me a list of problems that
come from hexavalent chromium exposure.