I understand they've had bad luck,
They have my sympathies.
But that's not PG&E's fault.
You're kidding, right?
Look at these readings.
PG&E's own technicians documented...
...toxic levels of hexavalent chromium
in those wells...
...on numerous occasions.
Everything the Jensens have had...
...is proven reaction to exposure to
hexavalent chromium. They have had....
They have had....
Breast cysts, uterine cancer,
Hodgkin's, immune deficiencies...
...asthma, nosebleeds--
A million things could
cause those problems.
Poor diet, bad genes,
irresponsible lifestyle.
Our offer is final
and more than fair.
Wait a minute.
I thought we were negotiating here.
$250,000 is all
l'm authorized to offer.
I'll present your offer to my clients.
I doubt they'll accept.
Before you go off on a crusade...
...remember who you're dealing with.
PG&E's a 28 billion
dollar corporation.
28 billion dollars?
I didn't know it was that much!
Wow! Twenty-eight billion!
Holy cow!
They made an offer.
No, a million would have been
an offer. They send that...
...mail clerk down to jerk me off,
waste my time.
You heard what that kid said.
They have 28 billion dollars.
They can afford to waste time.
-You can't?
-Am I made of money?
-Why are you yelling?
-I'm pissed.
-Fuck you!
-Fuck you back!