[ Screams ]
I didn't do anything !
Fuck off ! You're like
a fucking leech !
[ Sobbing ]
What the fuck
do I need you for, eh ?
I mean, why do you think
I go with other women, eh ?
Because you're
a fucking nuisance !
- [ Screams ]
- You're not even a good fuck !
I don't even fancy you anymore.
That's a lie !
That's a lie !
Get her out of here.
[Lisa Sobbing]
[Lisa Sobbing]
You all right ?
That bastard's done this
to me before.
He got the last one pregnant.
Another little blond bit.
He had a little boy with her.
You see...
I can't have kids, Billy.
[ Sniffles ]
That was a fucking laugh,
weren't it, for everyone else ?
Everyone looking at me, knowing.
The joke is--
I actually waited for him.
[ Sighs ]
I used to sit
behind him in class.