No, l'm nearly there...
Oh, Ming...
- l need a few days off next month.
- Why?
l promised my wife a trip.
Put in a word for me, will you?
l'll speak to personnel.
But the next lunch is on you.
l will.
Thanks, Ming!
lt's ready!
No, it'll switch itself off!
l told you, it's not ready!
A rice cooker!
lt's yours, Mrs Koo?
No, it's beyond us!
lt's Mrs Chan's.
My husband brought it from Japan.
l wanted to show Mrs Koo
how good it is.
Now it's ready!
Mrs Chan...
Could Mr Chan get me one
next time?
No problem!
Mr Chow, you should get one too!
Your wife's so often late home.
l couldn't trouble Mr Chan.
lt's just neighborly, isn't it?
lt's no trouble! l'll ask him
to buy another next time.
Thank you!
Let's try the rice.
Mr Chan, sorry to trouble you
about the rice cooker.
lt was really no trouble.
How much do l owe you?
Your wife has already paid me.
She didn't tell you?
She's been working late shifts.
Often l'm asleep when she gets back.
lt must be hard for her.
Mrs Chan isn't back yet?
She'll be back soon...
You need to talk to her?
A friend needs to go to Singapore.