Hungry? Will you join me?
No thanks.
Just off work?
You must be very busy.
l've been to see a picture.
Really? How was it?
l used to like
going to the pictures.
You had many hobbies before.
On your own,
you are free to do lots of things.
Everything changes
when you marry.
lt must be decided together...
l sometimes wonder
what l'd be if l hadn't married.
Have you ever thought of that?
Maybe happier!
l didn't know married life
would be so complicated!
When you're single,
you are only responsible
to yourself.
Once you're married,
doing well on your own
is not enough.
Don't brood on it,
maybe he'll be back soon.
What about you?
Actually, we're in the same boat.
But l don't brood on it.
lt's not my fault.
l can't waste time
wondering if l made mistakes.
Life's too short for that.
Something must change.
So what's your plan?
l want to write
a martial-arts serial.
Actually, l've started one.
l'll show it to you.
You like them too,
so why not help me write it?
l wouldn't know how,
l only read them!
We could discuss it together.
Alright, l'll try my best.
l never thanked you
for the sesame syrup.
There's no need,
l was making it anyway.