With this band playing, you need
megaphones to talk at the bar.
-We can sit in a booth.
-All right.
-Yo, look, look!
-Oh, shit!
-Yo, yo, got something?
-Oh, shit!
-Yo, what happened?
-You son of a bitch!
Dickheads, he wasn't asleep.
-Yo, did you see him?
-No, not for long, yo.
Jamal, would you stop bouncing
that damn ball in the house?
l got Michael Jordan's name
written in dirt all over my floor.
Don't worry, l'll clean it.
l got a better chance
of Michael Jordan cleaning it.
lf you're thinking of a shower,
the hot water's taking a few minutes.
-l wasn't thinking about it.
-Hey! Hey, where's your pack?
-l don't know.
-Don't know?