You too, Claire. You gonna
be around tomorrow?
Not where you'll be...
...but you might be able
to find me for lunch.
l didn't say those two words.
Why didn't you?
Because l want you to read
more of my stuff.
You know, they talk a lot
about you out there.
All this ''legend'' bullshit.
They got some stories, though.
People wonder if you killed somebody.
That, and wondering
why you been in here so long.
l wouldn't move, though.
l'd stay for the quiet.
You don't hear nothing in here.
Our place got these noisy neighbors.
Their kid's always yelling
because he's only a year old.
Or pops is yelling
because the kid's making noise.
Then mom's yelling--
But that's a different yelling...
...because that's when the old man's
playing the tunes for her...
...and she got her head
banging up against the wall.
She be screaming like....
-Then she--
-You better stir that soup.
Stir the soup before it foams up.
How come ours never
gets anything on it?
Come on. Come on. Closer.
-You got somebody doing that yelling?
-What l have here is an adult male...
...quite pretty...
...probably strayed from the park.
A Connecticut Warbler.
You ever go outside to do any of this?
You should have stayed
with the soup question.
The object of a question is to obtain
information that matters to us...
...and to no one else.
You were wondering why
your soup doesn't foam up?
Probably because your mother
was brought up in a house...