Finding Forrester

l took care of your bills, and
l put all the copies in this one.

The phone company wonders
if you still want service...

:48:08 you haven't had a call in six--

l got your socks
for the next couple weeks...

...which are in this one.
And l have your latest check
from accounting.

They wanted to know if you
cashed the last one.

lt's still showing up outstanding.
Not as outstanding as it once was.
l'm sorry, l didn't realize
you had company.

Oh, yes. We were just
having a discussion...

...on German automobile history.
-Care to join us?
-No, l'm in a tow-away.

Of course you are.
See you next week?
Not if l'm lucky.
Why not give that guy a break
and do your own shopping?

-And why are your socks inside out?
-Because socks are badly designed.

The seams are on the inside.
Hurt the toes.

ln some cultures, it's considered good
luck to wear something inside out.

And you believe that?
No, but it's like praying.
What do you risk?
And l do go outside.
How do you think those windows
get cleaned?

Now, about this...
...professor of yours.
How did it feel having him
tell you what you can't do?

-Like he knew he was better than me.
-Then let's show him what you can do.

Why are the words we write
for ourselves...

...always so much better than those
we write for others? Move.

Go ahead.
Go ahead and what?
