Finding Forrester

l want to hear
about the neighborhood...

...back when people
still read your book.

What did you say?
You said, ''back when people
still read my book.''

Didn't you?
We have 24 copies.
But l'm sorry. They're checked out.
Oh. Well, thank you, anyway.
You're welcome.
Any luck?
Did you get on the waiting list?
Yeah, man, your book was checked out.
And yes...
...l did pay for dinner.
lt cost me $1 3,
so l guess you made your point.

l called to see what kind of
food you wanted, but it kept ringing.

l took the bell out 20 years ago.
Let me ask you something.
How come a guy like you...
...wastes his time reading
The National Enquirer?.

What's wrong with it?
l mean, it's trash, man.
You should be reading
the Times or something.

l read the Times for dinner.
But this....
This is my dessert.
They got a contest at school.
This writing thing.

-You ever enter one of those?
-Writing contest?


A long time ago.
Did you win?
Well, of course l won.
Like money or something?
The Pulitzer.
The students have to read
in front of everybody.

What the hell's that got
to do with writing?

Writers write
so that readers can read.

Let someone else read it.
