And if they wished to bid on it--
Oh, so that's why
Crawford's book went away.
But you knew there wouldn't
be a second book.
Yeah, but they didn't.
lnteresting what happens when
the resources aren't close at hand.
The rich tradition of handing
in competition entries...
...on the final day continues...
...for yet another year.
Ladies and gentlemen...
...may l have your attention...
...please, if you don't mind.
''Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade
Death came with friendly care
The opening bud to heaven convey'd--''
How nice of you to join us.
That's not part of the poem.
''And bade it blossom there.''
A little more early morning
reticence than usual.
Mr. Coleridge.
Mr. Coleridge...
...how many students would you say
we have here today?
l'm not sure.