I've seen it 10 times.
I'm waiting for the news.
Have you any idea what is going
on in the city?
What's there in the news!
When mischievous leaders have
nothing else they start riots.
Death to leaders who instigate
innocent people to bloodshed.
They may go unpunished here, but
will be punished in God's world.
In our conversation I lost the
sense of time.
It's so late. Go and sleep now.
Watch the news tomorrow.
- No mom! Wait a minute.
No more TV.
Oh mom!
- It's very late son.
Why do you say 'Good Night'?
Can't you Say "Shab-e-Khair"?
Don't tire up your eyes so much.
It's time to sleep.
My God, protect my happy home
from an evil eye.
This dog is crying again -
it's very bad omen.