God has helped us so far- He'll
see us through for rest of days.
Let's talk about what brings you
here every week for past 6 years.
There is yet no news about
your son.
We've announced him missing on TV
and result of inquiries is zero.
I don't think we will find
anything. 160 people are missing.
They include Hindus and Muslims.
You aren't alone among mourners.
Why should I weep. I'm sure he is
alive and he'll come back.
He'll definitely come back
some day. God is great.
It's so hot today.
Who's there?
- Nobody.
Who was he?
- I said, nobody.
Why were you so tense in the car?
There is nothing.
You did see somebody on the road
who made you react.
She was my mummy.
We should have stopped the car.
- She won't have liked it.
The place she was coming from...
she goes there so I won't know.
Where would aunt go without
your knowledge.
Police station.
I understand.
Someday, everything will