Sister, a man gave these flowers.
Who was the man?
- Didn't tell. Came in a big car!
He came in a big car!
- Yes. Asked me to give to you.
Alright, you may go.
Who is this crazy that quietly
sends flowers to my daughter.
But he seems miserly.
- These are orchids! Cost a lot!
Why did you throw them.
Dear, flowers should be decorated
in flowerpot. They'll bless you.
No one brought flowers like your
papa. Basket full of jasmine.
And I used to distribute them
to all our neighbors.
But now. Now there is no one to
put flowers on his grave.
Hi flower girl. We are waiting
too. Throw some flowers on us.
Oh my Raspberry!
- Give us these flowers.
Give us the flowers.
- Come over here, girl.
Hey, she's throwing turnip.
- Please, throw one more.
Where's my fast moving train
going with the flowers.
Don't call me from behind. I'm
going on some important job.
My calling won't hurt you. Even
mother's curse is a good omen.
May I cook a parantha bread!
- I don't have time.