For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story

We called ourselves "Irakere."
It's an African word meaning, " jungle."
We played jazz...
...but we gave it our own swing.
Wait a minute, excuse me.
They didn't stop you.
And this band was a success.
The camouflage we had worked.
You toured extensively.
You did a record for CBS.
You even won a Grammy.
It seems like the government
didn't care what you were playing.

They chose not to notice because we
were making a lot of money for them.

I imagine you were making some money
for yourself as well?

It doesn't work that way.
The clubs pay
the Ministry of Culture directly.

All we got was meal money.
You know you can make a lot more
money if you weren't in Cuba.

It's not about the money.
It's about the music.
They let you play the kind of music
that you wanted.

American jazz and Gershwin and Ellington--
You're always taking a risk because in
Cuba you never know where the line is.

You can play Gershwin once too often.
Not being able to play Gershwin
does not constitute persecution.

It is if they decide it's
counter-revolutionary and you're put in jail.

In Cuba you live with that fear every day.
Someone might come to you,
your house, your family...

...and hurt you because of a song.
Just a song.
And that is persecution.
