Hey, what you listening to?
Hey, still got crabs? Not
gonna give them to us are you?
No way! Shaved and powdered.
Not a fucking pube in sight...
Did you shower afterwards?
First you shower,
then you shave, jerk!
Then you put the powder on,
dickhead! These fucking crabs...
Saturday night. How many
Hypnostedon did you pop?
- Five?
Got any more?
- Nope. All gone.
You greedy bastard!
- Fuck you!
Half an Hypnostedon is just
fine. You're a fucking God!
Not fucking five!
Dribbling like a freak, man!
And how about Philippos?
- He's fucked up.
What does he want anyway?
New friends?
He gave him smack afterwards.