and lead us not into temptation but
deliver us from evil... Amen!
Look what the cat dragged in!
Who told Philippos
we'd be here?
I did. Why?
Is he shagging you?
You're fucking right.
Then go wipe your ass
and get over it.
So here you are, huh? I've
been looking for you for hours.
Did you get lost, you jerk?
I told you we'd be here.
No sweat, kid.
The doctor's here.
You look more like a nurse to me...
You're a fine one to talk,
you fucking little queer...
Fuck you! Junkie!
Fuck the lot of you!
Good stuff, huh?
Isn't this where you shagged Psipsina?
- Psipsina?
Shut the fuck up, man!
what are you talking about?
Psipsina? When?
- Last summer. You didn't know?
Listen Stelio, we didn't tell
you so you wouldn't get upset.
You mean you all knew?
I swear to God
I didn't do anything.
I'll fuck you, you bastard!
Screwing my girlfriend!
Give me a break, man!
It was just a fuck...