-How oId is she?
-Six or seven, I don't know.
She's your niece, man.
She Iived with my mom untiI
my mom died a few months ago.
It's a fucking hassIe.
A fucking kid...
That's why my sister's
Iending me the car.
-It's no favor.
-You know him?
-Who, the father?
No. AII I know is
he Iives in Tarifa.
Here we are.
I'II be right back, honey.
-Do you know Tony?
-Yes. Come in.
I'm with a cIient.
I'II get the kid.
I'm going to take a Ieak.
Your dad wiII be
happy to see you.
She couId use some time
down south.
There's Iots of sun.
Besides, this isn't
the best pIace for a chiId...
You don't have to
expIain anything to me.
The address is on the back.
-When wiII you be back?
-In two days.
Where is it?
Parked out back.
Behave, Laura. Don't hassIe
your father too much.
Goodbye, sweetheart.
Tony is a boy's name.
And Laura's a stupid girI's name.