Her reaI name's "Toñi",
but she doesn't Iike it.
Toñi... I Iike it.
HeIIo, Toñi!
Shut up!
CarefuI, Laura,
she's nasty.
We're Iike the perfect famiIy:
father, mother, and chiId,
aII arguing.
I'm not your daughter.
But if the poIice ask,
you say you are.
No. I don't Iie.
We're starting aIready?
She says
she doesn't Iie.
My poor sister.
They ask the kid what
her mom's job is,
she says, "whore".
Jesus, that's nasty.
My mom, the saint,
taught her that nonsense.
How did it go?
The 3 "don'ts".
The three "don'ts".
TeII Tony about it.
"Don't kiII, don't steaI,
don't Iie".
What do you say?
She's serious, too.
It's a pain.
Juanjo, can I see the photo?
-Not now.
-Just for a second.
When we find your dad.
I don't want you
to take me to my dad.
Let's make a stop.