God fucking damnit!
-Are you crying?
-Fuck no!
That's a Iie.
She is crying.
What's the number?
91 574 71 91 .
Is this Laura's mother?
Who is this?
your brother's friend.
Juanjo's friend?
Fuck you both!
What did I say? I was aImost
kiIIed because of you two.
Those two bastards
you hang out with.
Is the kid with you?
Take her to her father
in Tarifa.
TeII my bastard brother
not to come back,
they're after him.
If he does come,
I'II puII his eyes out.
What do I do with
your daughter?
No way, don't
mix me up in this!
Fucking Iisten to me!
Goddamn it!
"Hi, how are you?" "Do they
scoId you at home?" "No,