but they beat me."
"They scoId me."
"It's tough, isn't it?"
"I don't Iike math or art."
"Me neither. I hate them."
"I Iike Spanish."
"Me, too.
EspeciaIIy the exercise book."
"You write and write and write.
I Iike it."
Where are we going?
Tony, where are we going?
To your father's.
What if we can't find him?
What if he's dead?
What if you shut up
and sIeep?
What wiII you do afterwards?
When you Ieave me.
I don't know.
What if my dad
doesn't want me?
WiII you stiII Ieave me?
That's not my probIem.
The photo.
Tony, can I see the photo?
In the gIove compartment.
He doesn't
Iook Iike me at aII!
What do you think?
Do I take after him?
You don't want to take after
your mom.
It was a joke.
I don't mind.
You Iive with your mom?
My mom died
when I was your age.
I'm hungry.
So am I.
We'II eat at the next stop.