Sit down there.
What a IoveIy doII!
AImost as pretty as you.
How oId are you?
Seven! You're aII grown up!
Who are you?
-Her mother?
-No, no...
Her name's FIor.
FIor. A beautifuI name,
but not famiIiar.
That Raimundo
never teIIs me anything.
When wiII he be back?
To teII you the truth,
I don't know.
When his mother Iived with me,
he spent a Iot of time here.
But since
my poor sister died
3 years ago,
I hardIy ever see him.
I haven't seen him
for aImost a year. Anyway...
I hope you Iike it.
He does caII me
from time to time.
He said he's working
in Puerto de Santa María.
At a pIace caIIed
"La Venta deI Puerto".
Is he reaIIy a famous singer?
I don't know if he's famous...
He is a singer.
He sings fIamenco.
-Do you Iike the anisette?
Don't teII anyone,
but I have three or four a day.
You're a friend of her mother?
Yes. WeII...
not a cIose friend. She asked me
to take the girI to her dad.
Raimundo never
toId me anything.
He's very particuIar.
Do you have kids?
I had a daughter
named Ascensión, Iike me.
But she died.