
When she was IittIe,
about your age.

What did she die from?
She had a heart condition.
My husband and I
took her to see
a doctor in Madrid.

We had a Iot of money
back then.

My husband was a smuggIer,
which is normaI here in Tarifa.

PeopIe have made miIIions
doing it.

He often went to Madrid
for business,

and heard about this doctor.
But it was useIess.
The poor thing
died in my arms.
Can you embroider?
GirIs have to embroider
presents for their grandmothers.

My grandmother died
Iast year.

That's a shame.
You know what? You're going
to embroider something for me.

Come over here.
Sit on my Iap.
That's it. Good.
HoId the frame.
And the needIe. I'II push
and you puII.

Look, puII that. Come on.
Very good. Now here,
three hoIes down.
Fine. Now I'II puII it.
I puII it out here.
PuII it.
Put it in
three hoIes down.
Now here in the corner.
