I see you've started a business.
I want money for a ticket
to Madrid.
WiII your mom
be gIad to see you?
What wiII she say?
Laura! Come back here!
Laura, where are you going?
Come on, get up.
No, I want to die.
Stop being siIIy.
I want to die.
What are you saying?
Nobody Ioves me.
I'm aIone.
Of course peopIe Iove you.
Listen. You don't need
anyone to Iove you in order to...
to Iive.
You don't need anyone.
You hear me? Anyone.
Like me, neither do I.
Do you Iove me?
Of course I do.
You say that so I won't want to
die. But then you take me to my dad.
It's not that, Laura.
It's just that
I have to traveI,