You know, and it just made you feel like crap, man.
Like real crap.
Now the only women I even like are my mom's friends.
Your mom's friends?
- "Yeah." - Hey, man, play your own game.
I just hope they're better lookin' than my mom's friends...
all drunk and raisin' hell every night of the week.
I mean, my mom's friends are fine.
Man, my mom's all right, though. I mean, she's a handsome woman,
and I'd say she's almost perfect.
She's, like, just super nice. You know what I mean?
She'll knit you a sweater if you even shiver.
- You know what I mean? - Yeah.
- Hey, Aunt Ruth. - Mm-hmm.
Why don't Uncle Damascus like animals?
He just don't like 'em, George. They bother him.