Does he like lions, even?
I never asked him.
What about chickens? Does he like them?
He'd like to eat 'em.
Does he like dogs?
Why not?
He just don't like to be bothered by them.
George had to be very careful never to get his head wet.
See, his fontanel was very, very, very, very soft.
Like a baby's head.
And when he soaks it or itches it,
it irritates his brain.
He don't like it, 'cause if somebody hit him in his head, he'd probably die.
Stop playin'!
Do you remember the first time we made love to this song?
We were out in that field.
You buried me in that grass.
Why is it that every time you start talkin', you sound like you're gonna
- George. - Huh?
- I miss Momma. - You didn't even know Momma.
So, did she love me?
Not as much as she loved me.
Why not?
'Cause you couldn't do the funny dance.
I can too.