Man, I saw you bust today. You can't even swim.
Talkin' about you can swim, but you can't even swim.
- I bet you can't swim. - I swim better than you!
- You can't! - Can't none of y'all swim.
I saw all of y'all bustin', doin' belly flops on the diving board.
- You can't swim, neither. - I saw you doin' belly flops.
- You can't even swim. - I had to get out of the water. You was gonna drown
Man, you're crazy, man. I be flippin' off old ladies' heads, off
- Can you do a one-and-a-half? Can you do a one-and-a-half? - Huh?
All right, see, that's my case.
- I can do a one-and-a-half, but you can't. - Man, get out of
- "One-and-a-half is a flip." - Man, y'all gotta see this cat head when he
get in the water.
His head starts swelling up. His gums start bleeding, yo.
You know them little... What you call this?
- Little dinosaurs you put in the water, they swell up. - Yeah.
Yeah, that's what he look like when he get in the water. He like a sponge.
It's a damn shame!
- Come on, y'all. Let's get out of here. - Come on.
- "All right, bro." - Man, what's wrong with your little brother?
What's wrong with you?
Man, you know what I want? I want some "ah-cream."
Man, enunciate your words, man. Pronounce.
Ice cream? Is that what you said?
Ice cream.
Big money, baby. I need a new pair of shoes.
I really need a new pair of shoes.
Come on, big money!
Hah, y'all sad and blue now, ain't ya?
- "Hey, George! Check this out." - "Don't do that."
Y'all pitiful about it, ain't ya?
Well, look at you! You still tryin' to get a decent woman.
- At least I had one. - Hey, man, she weren't that decent if she dumped you.
- "Yeah." - "Man, I gotta use the bathroom, man."
- "Pee."
Who cares what you gotta do? Don't tell the whole world.
Man, look at this place, man. Look like a tor... two tornadoes came through