George Washington

Soon as the swelling goes down, I think he's gonna be okay.
Keep the ice on it for another 15 minutes after he wakes up.
Just like when you went and got baptized in the lake.
That was stupid. Are you stupid?
I just wanted to save that boy.
You make me sick sometimes. You know that?
See, my first kiss was... in the sixth grade.
- Uh-huh. - It was with this boy Dimario.
He, um... We had been going out for maybe two weeks.
- Two weeks? - I mean, we had pop kissed before then...
Pop kissed?
- But it wasn't like a French until about two weeks after. - A French?
You stuck your tongue in somebody's mouth after two weeks?
- Yes, I did, okay? - Oh, I don't know how to handle this.
- You are too young to be doin' that. - Anyway, back to my story.
Okay. Sorry. Go ahead.
Anyway, it was after school, and my friend Latrice,
she was like, "Oh, y'all need to kiss, y'all need to kiss, and I wanna see
And I was like, "Latrice, no, you can't."
And then we went outside, away from the candy store where we were standing.
- We went outside in the courtyard. - Mm-hmm.
- And he kissed me. - Outside in the courtyard?
- I gotta watch you after school, outside in the courtyard. - Oh, goodness,
Is this the home of George Richardson?
