Get Carter

I'm fine, all right?
I just came out for a smoke.

You know, Doreen, you don't know me
very well and what you do know...

:11:19 don't seem to like very much.
I'm gonna be here over the weekend,
so, if you need anything, anything at all...

...I'll be staying at the Mercer Hotel, okay?
-He didn't drink, you know.

My dad.
He wouldn't drink and drive.
So what do you think happened?
I don't know.
I don't know. Forget it.
He's dead, right? What's it matter?
Tell my mom I'll be home later.
What'd I tell you? What'd I say?
Which part of ''l can't let you go''
did you not under-fucking-stand?

Jack, this is your job.
This is not a fucking charity case.
You do your job!

I want your butt down here tomorrow.
I am the boss, Jack! Okay?
Got me?
I can't believe you guys kept this cat.
Richie and I used to hide stuff
from our mom underneath all the cookies.

I'm pretty sure she knew,
but I don't think she really cared.
