Hurry up, man.
Man, let's go!
Let's get the hell outta here.
Okay, Billy Bad-ass,
you got us in here.
Now tell me
how the hell we gonna get out.
Oh, no, I know you ain't gonna do
what I think you're gonna do.
- Oh, man!
- Come on!
- This ain't The Dukes of Hazzard!
- Come on!
Yo, so check out my new move.
I call it the stranger.
What I do is, I sit on my hand...
for, like, 15, 20 minutes,
until it goes numb.
No feeling at all.
- And then I rub one out.
- The stranger, huh?
It's like a little boy's nursery school
I've come upon here.
Where are they?
- Yeah.
- You want to? All right.
- Hey!
- Man, leave those people alone, man.
- Oh, my God, sweetie,
you're so talented.
- What-- Hey. Hey.
- What did he say?
- No. Stop. No! No!
- Stolen car. Stolen car.
Hey, I-- I love you.
Man, we going to jail, man!
Come on!
Put your hands behind your back.
You have the right to remain silent.
Hey, watch it!
We have a silver Porsche,
estimated speed 80 miles per hour...
heading west on Wilshire Boulevard.
This is Air One.
We have a visual of the suspect.
Southbound on Vincent Thomas Bridge.
- Something wrong, Tumbler?
- Yeah. I'm missing Jerry Springer.