Gone in Sixty Seconds

Randall Raines, Donny Astricky.
Otto Halliwell.

- Should I set up some tails?
- Uh-uh.

They're too smart for that.
They'll just dump the cars.

No, we'll get them with the Mercedes.
Let's set up, uh, three surveillance
teams at those addresses.

Now, you go ahead
and you make your move, man...

and I will be waiting for you.
Why do you call 'em girls' names?
That's a good question.
Why do you call 'em girls' names?

It's code. You say Jane,
you say Shirley, Lucy, Edna,

and nobody listening on the waves
is the wiser.

Got 'em.
All right, we've got the addresses
on all 50 ladies. Let's scout 'em.

- There she is.
- Nice.

Damn, it's cold up here.
They keep these Ferraris refrigerated?

Man, you know black people don't like
cold weather. We're a tropical people, man.

When this is over, I'm gonna smoke a joint,
watch two hours of Roots.

and I'm gonna kick your ass.
Hello, and welcome to "TV Car Trivia".
First question -
who was the driver of a '73 Firebird?

- Uh, Otto.
- Jim Rockford, Rockford Fi/es.

Give me Columbo.
- A Peugeot convertible.
- What colour?

- How you know that?
- Cos I love that show.

Well, I got three words for all y'all -
get a life.

Oh, this is some kiddie shit, Sphinx.
- What's on Magnum PI's license plate?
- Robin1.

Wait, wasn't Robin that faggoty guy
who hung with him?

No, that was Higgins.
That was Higgins.
