Gongdong gyeongbi guyeok JSA


and claim he crossed over voluntarily.

- Am I right?
- Correct, sir!


Our boy... what's your name again?

Sergeant Lee Soo Hyuk, sir!
Right, Soo Hyuk.


Let's wrap this up quickly so Soo Hyuk
can take a leave of absence.


Our boy here took out
two of the bastards.


He's a hero!

Wouldn't you say, Major Jean?

Your opinion will be noted
in the investigation.


The NNSC will now be
taking custody of the suspect.


No South Korean military officials
may enter without my permission.


Neutral Nations
Supervisory Commission?


There are two kinds
of people in this world.


Commie bastards...

and the Commie bastards' enemies.

Neutral has no place here.

You have to choose sides.

You're from law school, right?

I trust you'll make a wise choice.

I'm Major Sophie Jean from Switzerland.

This is Captain Perrson from Sweden.

He's still in shock.

He was hit with a blunt object.

That bruise proves
that he was kidnapped.


- Deposition -
