Trying to escape?
Have you ever been shot
by a Vulcan before?
Let's have another game, okay?
We haven't done any work yet today.
Every game has its weak point.
Otherwise how could l win at FF8
in under 8 hours?
You're crazy!
Why didn't you upgrade the RPG?
Just 8 hours!
Can you beat it in eight hours?
The Command and Conquer ll you ordered
has arrived. Do you want it now?
- Sure. Thank you.
- l'll go get it.
What the hell? Didn't you buy it already?
Never mind, l'll give it to you.
l've already bought it, too.
Why do l need another one?
You really don't understand?
Of course l don't.
Thank you, if we get some new stock,
l'll call you.
- Thanks!
- Goodbye...
Thank you.
There new games
aren't any challenge for me.
lsn't our business challenging enough?
The company hasn't made any profit yet,
you know?
We will by next month.
l told the boss of the United Company
that he has a virus in his computers.
And to renew all his 3-D video cards.
What's the relationship
between a virus and 3-D video cards?
No direct relationship,
but we have plenty of stock, that's all.
Remember what you promised Jennifer?
Buy some more stock, okay?
Sure, sure...
You still think l was wrong?