l put all the money into it.
- Give me some coins.
- You've already got some.
These are mine, how about yours?
lt's useless to save money like this!
Come on, l'll give it all to you.
lt's better than saving nothing at all.
Maybe you'll need this
to last the rest of your life.
You can't just count on me.
l'm getting together
with some friends tonight.
Why don't you two come along?
What? Scared she might scold you?
No, she wouldn't do that.
That's settled, then.
Ask her to come too.
She can come along?
What kind of place
do you think we're going to?
No, l mean, l don't know...
Major, Colonel wants to see you
You go through the whole list again,
anything that...
Yeah, yeah, yeah... anything
that says install, you just circle, OK?
l don't know who did this.
All this is wrong, this is wrong.
At ease, Major. So, you want some coffee?
No sir, thank you sir.
So... you are going to be here
working with us for a while.
- l'm transferred, sir?
- Welcome to lnformation Warfare Unit.
Basically here we deal with
computer warfare.
This is Sharon, my assistant.
Sir, l'm not very good at computers.
l know, l know, don't worry.
But you are very good
at catching spies, right?
Sharon, l think, you carry on.
We have launched
a preliminary investigation
into last week's mid-air explosion.
The air force claim that
it was not an accident.
You mean the private plane?
lt belongs to a
well-established company called TDX.
TDX is involved
in several major projects.
With their most famous being
a computer protection system.
Among the passengers killed,
was their president
and a department head.