My brother and l
saved the money together.
l am sorry.
Officer Ng.
My brother's dead.
l just can't believe he's gone...
Janet, my friend, Benny.
My brother's girlfriend, Salina.
- This is Thomas.
- Hi, how are you?
l went with Thomas to pick you up
at the police station.
But they said you'd already gone home.
What are they doing here?
They want to search the place again.
What are they looking for?
l don't know.
l don't think even they know.
Really! May l ask who is in charge here?
What do you want? We've got a warrant.
Are you a lawyer?
No, l'm not a lawyer.
l am a judge. Salina is my friend,
l came to help her
find out more about this case.
Thomas Tsang
Ronald Ng, G.S.U.
l see, judging from your vast experience,
You wouldn't allow an unnecessary search
or unlawful detention, right?
And you wouldn't damage anything
not relevant to this case, right?
l'll try my best.
This computer is broken.